The "21st Century Teacher" project is an expansion of the regional programme "21st Century Schools" implemented in Montenegro in cooperation with and through joint funding with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports. The  aim and intent  of  this expansion is to enable the complete teaching staff in primary schools to undergo training in the teaching of critical thinking,   problem solving and coding with microbit devices and thus achieving a systemic impact on the quality of teaching. The  introduction of microbit  coding  in subjects other than  Informatics is part of the digital transformation of  education  in  which contemporary technology  is introduced into teaching as a means of encouraging the development of  creativity, innovation, solving complex  problems and certainly digital skills as the basis of modern literacy.   

By training all teaching staff we will create the conditions for every child aged 6 to 15 to have the opportunity to develop these important life skills. About 67,000 pupils are currently studying in Montenegrin primary schools, and they represent the future workforce who will join the world of work around 2030.  While not everyone will become a programmer or developer, it is vital that all children gain basic digital literacy, critical thinking and innovation skills, as the 21st century economy is based on innovation and knowledge.

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